Emulate, simulate, innovate

We love taking an everyday experience, emulating its settings, then taking it apart and rebuilding it with the latest technology to exceed user expectations. Our goal is to create tone perfect solutions and competitive business advantage for our customers. By adjusting the apps, things and service mix in our Lab EcoSpace a variety of industry specific ecosystems and interaction scenarios can be emulated in our Experience Lab. Allowing exploration and serendipitous solution discovery via context aligned User Experiences.


  • Self-scanning & checkout
  • In aisle sales assistance
  • in Station Shopping Basket
  • in Transit Commerce
  • in App Purchase
  • production logistics
  • pick up & delivery logistics
  • universal shopping cart
  • mobile payment gateway
  •  - pre-paid wallet
  •  - top up
  •  - currency exchange

NFC Payment Terminal Design for 3rd largest retailer in the Netherlands

- Reference Design Multi m\Mode Payment Terminal, Prototype Testbenching and Technical Requirements

NS Retail Lab NFC Research & Prototyping

- Travel Card 2.0 User Experience in mobility, retail, loyalty, access and beyond


  • Award engine & exchange
  • Stamps/credits/status for
  •  -travel, spend, location...
  • Campaign & voucher building
  • Voucher browsers
  • Voucher clipping
  • Voucher redemption
  • Single & multi merchant
  • Loyalty programs
  • Treasure hunts
  • Nudging analytics

Loyalty Program for Congestion Avoidance

- Winning design for Arriva Spitsmijden Program in North Holland

OV Miles Dutch Public Transport Travel Award Program

- Sponsored by GVB, part of winning RET for Rotterdam

Privacy Friendly Travelhood Analytics

- Leveraging the value of your customer base without giving away their privacy


  • Residential care logistics
  • Two-factor entry systems
  • Patient tracking systems
  • Patient data vaults
  • Privacy by design
  • Security by design
  • IT audits
  • IT process training
  • Timebanking exchanges

CyberSecurity Zero Knowledge Data Storage & Sharing

 - Peer 2 Peer Personal Paywall with Data blurring, masking and spiking


  • Sensornets
  • Vitals and environmentals
  • Age aware user interfaces
  • Prescription compliance
  • Virtual presence
  • Vicarious care
  • Care breadcrumbs
  • Simple document logistics
  • Cyber secure
  • Document interchanges

Digital paper portal

 - Anoto Pen Technology for Capture, Recognition and Workflow of Handfilled Medical Forms


  • Sensor management
  • Workout builder
  • Workout gamefication
  • Fit points exchange
  • Personal coach
  •  - in ear, on wrist, app
  • Coach logistics


  • Account based ticketing
  • Multi functional travel cards
  • High performance interoperability
  • Low latency architectural design
  • NFC scanning device software
  • Cyber Secure Identity Management
  • Fare Calculation Cloud Service
  • Journey Planning
  • Infrastructure Upgrades
  • Closed Loop Travel Schemes
  • ...

Pan European Local Travel with Interoperable Travel Card

- European Traveller Club, Proof of Concept and International Pilots


  • Park & Ride Solutions
  • Vehicle Rental Solutions
  • Locker Logistics
  • Task for Ticket
  • Shopping Wall
  • In Transit Commerce

Park + Ride Netherlands

- Real Time Private P+R Discount Cloud Service based on Trip History

'42Tech takes things from theory to practice in record time'

- Jeroen Kok, Director ETSN, Innovation Factory NS

Bike Rental Dutch Railways

- Lab Prototype, Scanning Terminal App UI & Reference Design for National Bike Rental

Park + Ride Luxembourg

- QR Code + NFC Based P+R Discount Service


  • Local tourist passes
  • Token promotion
  • Valuta exchange
  • Temporary local wallets
  • Top up services
  • Tourist nav paths

Interoperable Ticketing & Journey Planning

- Foreign Traveller Centric Cross Border Travel


  • Crypto Tag Security
  • Crypto Tag Algorithms
  • SAM & SAM Free options
  • Communication Security
  • Personalization

Low Latency High Security Token Distribution & Personalization

- Developed Token ID Distribution Platform and Reference Token Terminal TestBench


  • Classroom Access
  • Library Checkout
  • Lunch Orders
  • In Building Navigation
  • Class Registration
  • Treasure Hunt
  • Decision Markets
  • Closed Loop Payments

Edu Lab Amsterdam Science Park

Day in the Life of Student, Teacher, Parent and School Boards


  • Student Services
  • - Wifi
  • - Vending
  • - Restrooms
  • - Classroom Access
  • - Lockers
  • Study Awards
  • Hackathons
  • Multi Token Passes

Hackathon - Too Cool For School 2015

- Apply now and bring your A-Game to change school life


  • Time Banking
  • Privacy Friendly
  • Event Posting
  • - Scheduling
  • - Marketplace
  • Smart City Solutions
  • Crowd Flow
  • Nudging Campaigns

Time Banking Portal Design

- Design Community Event Marketplace with Task Hour Exchange Program


  • Concert Ground Navigation
  • NFC/QR VIP Service
  • - Restroom Access
  • - Find Me Points
  • - Fast Track Entry Points
  • - Parking Spot Finder
  • ICOMM Infrastructure
  • Travel Concert Combos
  • Closed Loop Payment
  • - Top Up Points
  • - In App Top Up
  • - Balance Check Points
  • - Group Kitty

Event ground VIP Services

- Design hardened event service and User Experience service portfolio


  • IT scans
  • Technology roadmaps
  • Devops training
  • High availability systems
  • Machine learning
  • Complex event processing
  • Software development processes
  • Architectural baselines for
  • - Software as a service
  • - Platform as a service
  • Cyber security guidelines

'Technology Roadmap advice was invaluable, resulting in a clear detailed overview of our scanning solution and professionalization of our development environment.'

- Dmitry Byelov, CTO Amsterdam Scientific Instruments


  • Small worlds
  • for launching
  • big ideas
  • - Travel lab
  • - Edu lab
  • - E-health lab
  • Vendor vetting
  • Evidence based
  • Integration KPIs
  • UI testbench
  • Stakeholder mgmnt

Proof of Concept: Interoperable Travel Demo

- Winning design for Horizon 2020 Proposal 2015/2016

'42Tech continuously helps us visualize and realize our ideas.'

- Roel Testroote, Director Open Ticketing Institute


  • Emergency Services
  • Consumer PANs
  • Super Powers
  • Biomimetics
  • 3D Printed Mountings
  • Haptics

Shoulder Mounted Facial Recognition Cam

- Latest Prototype with Face Hunting, Capture & Facebook Lookup