High impact prototyping & robust system design

Problem identification

Context driven, evidence based, in-depth research. Global business, social, tech & market scans, coupled with input from employees, customers, production, marketing, finance and beyond lead to a clearly defined problem and a solution space to explore.

Solution conceptualization

Ideas are a dime a dozen, the truly elegant solutions require that you throw most away. Multi stakeholder workshops are the place to creatively destruct concepts and mock-ups until the essence of a solution is determined.

Prototype & innovation alignment

Make your decisions based on a vendor's technological, prowess not on their sales pitch. Prototyping yields valuable insights regarding which technology will actually work as planned and which business models need to be aligned to make a solution a success. We speak geek AND business and quickly identify issues that can impact an innovation's business case.

Professional product development, delivery & support

User Experience magic

Building a prototype and getting the business case right are the foundation for getting the User Experience(s) right. In our EcoSpace Lab we host a number of emulated environments and AB testing processes to analyze, evaluate and find the optimal user experience for all stakeholders involved.

Assumption busting pilots

The 42TECH Pilot Environment allows you to quickly progress from Lab to Pilot with your prototype. Pre-release Latency, security and scalability test benches ensure that a Prototype can be piloted safely and responsibly in the real world with thousands of users with continued AB testing and polishing during the Pilot period.

Product development & launch

Depending on the eventual launch configuration and sponsoring of your solution 42TECH can; Provide the Functional, Technical and Interface Specifications for RFPs with vendors; Work with your team to produce the solution in house and/or develop and provide the solution on a 42TECH Production Platform.