Product development should be a hackathon,
not a marathon.

Combining hardware and software just got a lot easier. 42Tech 'EcoSpaces' feature powerful core modules for Identity Mgmnt, Complex Event Processing, Data Capture & Analysis and Reconciliation & Clearing. A 'platform in the cloud' for seamless integration of online services with local 'things' and rich accessible multi-device, multi-screen user-centric interaction. The modular design allows pilots to run standalone and map smoothly to production environments and existing infrastucture once a concept goes to launch.

What is a 42tech EcoSpace?

Over the last 20 years of innovation, tech change has accelerated and users have become more educated and demanding in regards to their quality of interaction with it. The only thing that has stayed the same is the need to string ever more components together to make it all work as a seamless user centric whole. An EcoSpace does just that and includes an assortment of testing tools for judging how reliably new tech performs and how human friendly a solution actually is. It can be viewed as one stop shop for innovation on demand.

If you're solution has a lot of moving parts e.g. software, hardware and third party services an EcoSpace can drastically reduce the time it takes to integrate them all into a working prototype. An EcoSpace is not only a powerful platform for rapid prototyping and user experience testing but also ideal for conducting Pilots and launching world class solutions. We keep a few environments running so you don't have to. This can be convenient for companies that typically innovate in cycles rather than continuously and therefore spend a lot of time setting up innovation teams, testing & pilot infrastructure, and then breaking it down again based upon year to year budget constraints, business model U-turns and changing levels of ambition. Having experienced this first hand we know it can be frustrating to work on the setup versus the solution so we spent some time standardizing the stuff that matters so we could get on with the stuff that really matters which is making innovative new solutions that people love. We hope you like it and take it out for a spin soon with your next innovation cycle.

An EcoSpace excels at bringing components, devices and services together to create a simple, magical & transformational user experience.

Ecospace benefits


Going from napkin to solution should not have to be a long journey. Our Lab, Pilot & Pro EcoSpaces can shave months off of your product development time.


An EcoSpace is an high speed transaction platform built from the ground up to connect with devices and cloud services and test the results on humans.


Inviting humans to participate should be easy, safe and private. Nothing disappears faster than a user's trust. We've got you and them covered.


Users can consume any service with their card, bracelet, mobile, biometric and/or mere presence. We can design the right experience-fit per service.


Since integration and identity management are no longer required, developing EcoSpace services is easy and costs substantially less to achieve.


The best kept secret about service oriented architecture is that it is sloooooow. We've added trading technology to achieve subsecond response times.


Monetization of services is easy with an EcoSpace wallet that can be hooked to most major payment schemes via our bank level Payment Gateway.


That "echo" whatever happens to their owner within seconds. Featuring rich functionality they can round out an experience or be combined into a solution.


All hardware and software attached to the EcoSpace are automatically monitored for performance & issues in real-time. Essential for quality and design.


Buzzwords and sensationalized sales-and-marketing- mumbo-jumbo disappear when you make a prototype. Conduct your vendor talks with confidence.


Nothing speaks to the imagination like a working prototype. Ideal for drumming up support with sponsors and getting feedback from early adopters.


Uncompromising architecture. Whether you are piloting thousands of users or planning a launch for millions EcoSpace solutions can scale with your needs.

Ecospace anatomy


A tiny EcoSpace that operate standalone and offline by creating it's own local Wi-Fi network. Never have a demo fail due to poor connectivity.


Rapid prototyping and crash testing environment perfect for user experience research and iterative design. Before anything goes to Pilot we take it to the demolition derby.


Lives in a high availability datacenter on a dedicated server farm. To date we've experienced 100% uptime the last 3 years. Can support thousands of users without breaking a sweat.


Custom built to be bombproof. Hotswap configuration architecture, hosted across datacenters, further hardened to withstand typical attack vectors. PCI Compliance optional.

Ecospace prototyping process

Ecospace perspective

Taking the EcoSpace view on things, identifying the actors in a process and looking for interesting interplay that might make or break a new solution, involves viewing the system as a whole, not as collections of parts.

Multi-Stakeholder Perspective is everything

The key to good design is to understand the needs of all people involved in a process and offer each unique tangible advantages to participating in a new ecospace over the old one they often trudge through daily.

Real World Context Emulation

42TECH EcoSpaces are in effect small worlds in which "helper" applications can be turned on or off to emulate various perspectives and experiences. The immersive context is ideal for testing hypotheses about solutions and avoiding potential issues.

Apps make the virtual world of services surrounding you tangible

While an EcoSpace serves to hide the complexity of seamless integration and allow the creation of intuitive user interaction experiences, they are by their very nature virtual and invisible for a user. User experiences are created through introduction of apps, or sets of apps and services, that support interactions built up from a combination of touch, visuals, sounds and other human sensory input over a number of devices surrounding a human. User Experience also encompasses how dialogues between humans (and their device clouds) take place. This leads to new design paradigms involving Apps & Services that support Multi-Screen and Multi-Device dialogues.

Paradigm shift in the user experience. Multi-Screen, Multi-Device & Multi User Dialogues

Our beliefs

User Experience is transactional

42TECH's philosophy on User Experience is that it involves a dialogue between a user and another user each with their own devices and online services at their fingertips. Viewed this way almost all interactions can be reduced to an event based transactional nature.

Privacy By Design is a requirement

Seeing every interaction one has on the EcoSpace platform in real-time engenders trust with the users, letting others exploit this information does the opposite. Privacy by design is not a guideline it's our mission and something we take quite seriously. Completely transparent and completely private. A user's data is no one else's. You'll find we're a little crazy about keeping it that way.

Transparency = Intuitive Design

42TECH's mission is to ensure that all transactions (events) can be induced and dialogues can be played out in the most intuitive fashion possible. The initiation and results of which play out transparently on the devices surrounding the people involved in the experience, based upon what they wish to achieve and how much information they desire to see.

Personal apps


A continuous ticker feed of your life's transactions. Every transaction that you trigger over an EcoSpace is clearly displayed within seconds on your Mobile App. Touch based smartlist functions & filters allow easy navigation and review, with line item blow ups for rich detail.

Wallet & Voucher pouch

Manage your virtual payment cards, deals, vouchers and discounts along with any prepaid proof of purchase slips. Featuring rich functionality, intuitive design and advanced security and privacy.

Shopping cart

A smart shopping cart, add products you see by clicking their EcoTags. Save shopping carts to; repeat orders, share as gift registries or price check online. Delivery and payment your way.

My moments

A string of `life beats' compressed and displayed as your life's moments. Derived from life analysis processes that you have set or imported from trusted third party services you opt in for.

Business Dual Screen apps

Point of Sale

Download free tablet software and build your own cash register. Accept cashless payment, vouchers, register new loyalty cards and spice up receipts wit your brand's messaging.

Mirror ribbon terminal

Involve your customer in the process of ringing up items, with a queue busting customer facing interactive ring up ribbon. Increase engagement and trust and dramatically lower transaction times

Counter pick up & fulfillment

Orders placed in the Echo Shopping cart can be picked up with an array of countertop Apps to predict production times and speed up personalized professional and friendly fulfillment of orders placed.


Use any token to perform Counter registration of customers. SMS, Email, Facebook, Google + or anonymous registration supported. Program points and program awards easy to set up yourself.

Mobile Business apps

Field inspection

Allows staff to quickly check travel tickets, entry passes, VIP Tickets, discount redemptions. Supports face-check, QR Codes, integrates with Passbook and Loyalty Deal providers.

Mobility point of sale

Accept cashless payments at events on location. Out-of-the-Box Mini-POS for closed loop proximity payments. Cashless Top Up stations with PIN terminal integration option.

Touch & tour / task expediter

Use EcoTags to embed a tour experience or a treasure hunt in any venue. Use Audio, Video and Clue breadcrumbs to build a custom interactive tour. Drag and drop tasks for Echo App owners. Create marketplaces of work for people to bid on. Homework, health regimen, project to dos, anything monitor completion in real-time.

Thingscape dashboard

Make your own internet of things that interact with your customers, patients, travellers, students, gym members, see results of participation in real-time.

Big Data


EcoSPace Ecosystems generate a lot of structured transactional data, ideal for garnering insights into relationships that may have been hard to spot. Our DATA APIs serve up clean real-time data for analysis


Verify and enrich signals in your data with external data sources that have been time synched to our DATA APIs data stores.


Create powerful interactive reports of your EcoSystem's operations, via the EcoSystem DATA APIs or work with our partners in Sweden or the US to create custom dashboards.


Devices surrounding a person generate a lot of data and send it off to various places the owner typically is unaware of. Personal Data Vaults allow a person to re-take control and collection of their data.


Personal data is personal. Personal Data Vaults are forgetful by nature unless their owner decides to store their data historically. Sharing data requires use of a personall paywall which pays the owner for their data.


All Personal Data is stored according to ISO banking security standards. In fact we take a few extra steps to secure your data from prying eyes. This data may only be shared with third parties after opt-in via a personal paywall construction.

Create your own solutions

If you can dream it...

We're happy to develop any prototypes you can dream of. Our experience, innovation research, prototyping rig, code base and integration connectors mean we can get you there faster. . .

Skip the paperwork...

You want kilos of paper? Please hire a consultant. You want well designed scalable prototypes? We're ready when you are. . . .

... and just do it!

Nothing focuses the mind like seeing your ideas mocked up, prototyped and piloted to get things rolling. We'll help you do it cost effectively, quickly and professionally. Drop us an email and let's discuss how to turn your ideas into reality.

Interacting with the Internet of Things

Ecospace hubs operate as nerve centers for the high speed routing of transactions. These transactions are triggered by a person directly or indirectly presenting an identifier to initiate a service. The service's response may include virtual components (e.g. online events) as well as physical components (e.g. interactions with devices). 42Tech EcoSpaces support a wide variety of ID & Sensor trigger pairs along with an ever increasing range of channels to interact with both online services and physical devices.

Ecospace Tooling for pro-active & continuous quality control

Software is easy; hardware is hard. Getting both to work together in a reliable and scalable way requires installing dynamic diagnostics, fallback circuits and service heartbeats. We host an EcoSpace TestBench where rigorous automated integrity, load, security and latency testing of EcoSpace components can be performed prior to release. The EcoSpace dashboard then keeps track of these components once released in the wild, monitoring heartbeats, service levels and roundtrip transaction performance.

Lab, Pilot and World Class Solutions. Mix and match virtual and physical building blocks to create rich connected solutions or build your own via our open API.


Biometric, cryptographic, acoustic, chemical, mechanical, optical, electromagnetic and other uniquely identifiable signatures and events precipitated by complex event pattern correlations can be used to trigger transactions. We're constantly adding Trigger Pairs, ID types + Sensor scanning, security and privacy algorithms, to expand our experience design potential.

A Trigger Pair's security class defines the privilege and trust accorded to it when accessing an EcoSpace service. Our IMP (Identity Management Platform) facilitates people using scheme issued IDs alongside IDs they may bring themselves and offers tools to generate, capture, register, personally bind, anonymously utilize and seemlessly manage them all.

Hot Path processing

Developer SDK

Service SDK

A set of APIs and interfaces that allow you to easily create your own private and/or public services. Create a bike rental, electric top up, fare calculation or a new innovative mashup of your own and run it through the test bench. Choose your trigger pair and invite your friends to start using it.

Things SDK

A set of APIs and interfaces that allow you to easily create your own EcoSpace networked sensor or device (e.g. a robot). Choose your Xynapse Framework, define which private/public services it can handle, withstand the physical test bench trials and you can start your own Skynet.

Retail SDK

A set of APIs and interfaces that allow you to easily create your own private/public retail & loyalty solutions for Merchants. Create a mini PoS, Loyalty Card, a prepaid wallet or a new innovative mashup of your own and run it through the test bench + anti-fraud trials and start marketing.

Tiny computers

Used as EcoNodes to distribute logic and operational autonomy to the periphery of a transaction acceptance network XAN.
Also for direct command and control of local/wearable devices and/or services related to a specific transaction's fulfillment.

Testbench built for continuous deployment

Standardized automated unit-, integration- and scenario-based testing and backtesting for all deployment platforms is an integral part of the 42Tech iterative development process.